CloseBeau's Bar - 5/12/18
Set 1: Sledgehammer, Walking on the Moon, Wooden Ships > St. Stephen -> The Eleven -> Son of Orange County > More Trouble Every Day, The Squirming Coil -> Dark Days
(Total Time: 1:13)
Set 2: Glad > Freedom Rider, Let Me Roll it, Dirty Love*, The Wind Cries Mary** > Use Me**, Signed Sealed Delivered**, What is and What Should Never be***, Limb by Limb, Everything in its Right Place, Mr. Mustard > Polythene Pam > She Came in Thru the Bathroom Window > Golden Slumbers > The End > Her Majesty, Rock and Roll
(Total Time: 1:45)
*w/Kathy Meyers on vox
**w/Kyle Fitzpatrick on gtr & vox
***w/Erik Friedman on vox